A-Z Directory Changes


Identifying Issues

Common issues related to Business Title, Department, or Phone Number may include:

  • Incorrect business title listed for an employee
  • Incorrect personal title of Dr.
  • Wrong department affiliation
  • Missing or incorrect phone number information
  • Incorrect Name information

Steps to Address Issues

  1. For Business Title or Department Related Issues:
    These fields feed directly out of Workday as IT and Web Services have no control over Title and Department location.
    • Contact People and Culture:
      • For any issues related to Business Title or Department, the designated point of contact is the People and Culture department.
      • Reach out to People and Culture through the following methods:
        • Email: Employeeservices@tarleton.edu
        • Phone: (254) 968-9128
    • Provide Necessary Details:
      • When contacting People and Culture, ensure you provide all relevant details to expedite the resolution process. This may include:
        • Employee’s full name
        • Current incorrect information (Business Title or Department)
        • Correct information that needs to be updated
        • Any supporting documents or references
  2. For issues related to a users title of Dr.
    This field feeds directly out of Workday as IT and Web Services have no personal information for an individuals education.
    • Your education level is a section in workday under your profile, and must be changed on your profile.
      • The only individuals that will receive a personal title of Dr. are individuals who have their education set to "Doctorate" or "Special Professional"
  3. For Phone Number Related Issues:
    • Submit a Ticket:
    • Provide Necessary Details:
      • When submitting the ticket, ensure you provide all relevant details to expedite the resolution process. This may include:
        • Employee’s full name
        • Current incorrect phone number
        • Correct phone number that needs to be updated
        • Any supporting documents or references
    • Follow-Up:
      • After submitting your ticket, keep track of the follow-up actions. If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time frame (typically 3-5 business days), check the status of your ticket through the provided link or contact the support team.
  4. For Name Related Issues:
    • Submit a Ticket:
    • Provide Necessary Details:
      • When submitting the ticket, ensure you provide all relevant details to expedite the resolution process. This may include:
        • User name
        • Incorrect Name(Whether it be first or last)
        • Correct name
    • Follow-Up:
      • After submitting your ticket, keep track of the follow-up actions. If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time frame (typically 3-5 business days), check the status of your ticket through the provided link or contact the support team.+
  5. For T-BOX related issues:
    • Contact Web Services:
      • For any issues related to T Box, the designated point of contact is the Web Services department.
      • Reach out to Web Services through the following methods:
        • Email: WebMaster@tarleton.edu



Article ID: 13645
Thu 7/11/24 10:30 AM
Tue 8/13/24 2:44 PM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Request assistance with changing your Name, Email address, or Salutation.