Information on the EAB Navigate Site
What it is
- A helpful tool for Tarleton State University students to schedule meetings with advisors
- Enables easy planning of academic advising sessions, whether in person or virtual
Accessing EAB Navigate
- View courses, messages, and academic notes upon logging in
- Appointment scheduling is possible once an advisor is assigned, typically within the first few weeks of classes
- Until then, appointments can be made by contacting the advising office directly or requesting a link from your advisor
Navigating the Site
- Visit to access the platform
- Check the website's resources for assistance
- Contact the Department of Student Retention at 254-968-1710 for further support
Utilizing EAB Navigate
- Schedule appointments with advisors once access is granted
- Choose between in-person or Zoom meetings based on advisor availability
- Select a suitable date and time from your advisor's schedule
This platform is overseen by the Division of Academic Affairs, managed by the Department of Student Retention.
For any technical issues related to EAB Navigate, students are advised to ensure NTNET functionality and refer to for assistance.
Website Information:
Managed by the Department of Student Retention
Contact Information: 254-968-1710