Updating Banner Holds in Mass

Tags Hold

GZRUHLD Update Hold Instructions


  1. Create a file called:

GZRUHLD_.txt (<USER> = Banner Account Username)


  1. Data file:
    1. without hold reason. Set Banner parameter “HOLD_REASON” to a relevant description of the holds being updated.




  1. with hold reason. Be sure Banner parameter “HOLD_REASON” = “Load from file”

000123456;Must Attend Orientation;

000654321;Temp Hold;


  1. Upload file using GJAJFLU
    1. Job: GZRUHLD
    2. Select the file from your computer GZRUHLD_<USER>.txt
    3. Click Save
  2. Update holds using GZRUHLD
    1. HOLD_CODE: O1
    2. ORIG_CODE: OR
    3. HOLD_REASON: <Whatever you want to put here> (ex. Disable orientation hold)
    4. FROM_DATE: <two days ago to disable hold> (ex. 2/19/2023)
    5. TO_DATE: <yesterday’s date to disable hold> (ex. 2/20/2023)

Note: The example FROM_DATE and TO_DATE shows how to permanently disable a hold. Feel free to set the FROM_DATE one week in the future and leave the TO_DATE alone to temporarily disable the hold.

  2. Click Save
  1. Validate the job runs correctly by either reviewing the output or checking the hold on one of the students in the data file.
  2. Go to Options -> Review Output [GJIREVO] (if you get an error message press ok)
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of “File Name” (may have to wait up to 1 min.)
  4. The file gzruhld_<job_num>.lis Contains a list of students that have had their hold updated and a count of the number of records updated.
  5. The file gzruhld_<job_num>.log2 is an error report.


Article ID: 3598
Mon 2/27/23 11:18 AM
Mon 2/27/23 11:19 AM