Obtain Duo Bypass Codes in Advance

Generate Duo passcodes

How would you get logged in if your cell phone was accidentally damaged or left at home? Be prepared by getting ten emergency use Duo passcodes in advance.

Step One - login to myGateway or any other service that requires Duo. Enter your Tarleton username and password. The Duo authentication screen will appear. Click on the "Enter a Passcode" button.

Step Two - A new option appears at the bottom of the Duo screen. Click on the "Text me new codes" button

Step Three - Check your Duo registered phone. Duo will send an SMS text to your phone with ten passcodes. Write these down and keep in a safe, readily accessible place (wallet, purse, backpack). These passcodes are valid until used. If you use a passcode, cross it off the list. When you are nearly out of emergency passcodes, follow these steps again to generate a new list of ten passcodes.



Article ID: 919
Mon 10/3/22 3:52 PM
Fri 11/4/22 10:33 AM

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