Panopto Video Archive Policies

What is Panopto Video Archiving?

Panopto videos are stored in multiple formats and are available on demand. When a video is moved from on demand to an archived state, the video is sent to cold storage. When a video is in cold storage, it is no longer on demand and must be reprocessed. Reprocessing a video will reset the counter when content is moved from on demand to cold storage.

Why are Videos Archived?

Videos are sent to cold storage to free up resources to ensure future on demand content can be stored within our allotted amount. 

When will Videos be Archived?

Videos will be archived based on how they were added to Panopto.  Two policies govern the timing of archiving videos.

Zoom Meetings

Zoom meetings recorded in class and stored in Panopto will be archived when two conditions are met.  After a video has not been accessed (viewed) in over one year and the video has a creation date of over eighteen months.

Other Videos

Videos recorded outside of the classroom Zoom sessions have more relaxed policies.  Videos not accessed (viewed) in two years are archived.  These videos include anything uploaded into the Panopto system or recorded directly into Panopto.

How to View an Archived Video

Archived videos can be restored by selecting to view them.  The only difference is that a message will be shown indicating that the video is being processed.  This process can take several minutes or hours, depending on the length of the video.  Once complete, the “viewed” timer is restarted, and the video will remain on demand until it reaches the criteria of being archived again.


Article ID: 825
Fri 9/23/22 5:53 PM
Wed 2/22/23 9:35 AM