Instructions on adding an item link to a Canvas Studio video to be shown to students from a module in a course.
Additional host needed for Zoom Meeting in Canvas? The Meeting will need to be linked to the instructor’s Zoom Meeting schedule. And then the alternate host can be set.
For instructors that have existing videos that need to be shared in Canvas. Tarleton's Canvas Studio subscription allows unlimited video storage in the Canvas systems. Videos added to Canvas Studio can be added to multiple courses without taking up course file space allocations.
A guide for understanding the various course types within Canvas and what each variation is intended for.
Adjust start/end dates of a section for a student added to a course to complete work from a previous semester
Content can be moved between development shells and real courses.
Add a Canvas Studio video to a course page. The instructor is assumed to know how to create, publish, and add pages to modules.
Academic Technology has provided the option to enable the New Quizzes feature in Canvas.
Directions for enabling New Quizzes.
This documentation is for instructors who need to add additional attempts or time to a quiz in Canvas.
Instructions for logging into Tarleton's Canvas system.
These directions are provided for instructors that have made a recording in Panopto and need to move it to a different folder.
Documentation for using Canvas’s built-in Course Activity report. This tool generates a list of activities and times a student has participated in a class.
Recover content that was accidentally deleted from a Canvas course.
Add or update the syllabus in a Canvas course, specifically for those wanting to use the built-in Syllabus link.
Details about the archiving of stored videos in the Panopto system.
The Course Favorite list controls what classes show up on the Canvas dashboard
For courses that are using the Zoom module integration that automatically records class sessions and stores that for future use.
Instructions for adding a Zoom link to Canvas as a student teacher.